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Now You Can Blog from Everywhere!

Mak Ka Lok

We’ve made it quick and convenient for you to manage your blog from anywhere. In this blog post we’ll share the ways you can post to your Wix Blog.

Blogging from Your Wix Blog Dashboard

On the dashboard, you have everything you need to manage your blog in one place. You can create new posts, set categories and more. To head to your Dashboard, open the Wix Editor and click on Blog > Posts.

Blogging from Your Published Site

Did you know that you can blog right from your published website? After you publish your site, go to your website’s URL and login with your Wix account. There you can write and edit posts, manage comments, pin posts and more! Just click on the 3 dot icon ( ⠇) to see all the things you can do.

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羅密歐與茱麗葉二重唱 Romeo and Juliet duett

1878 年 5 月,柴可夫斯基首次萌生了以莎士比亞悲劇《羅密歐與茱麗葉》(Romeo and Juliet)為主題創作歌劇的想法。有一次,他甚至為一對戀人之間的場景草擬了音樂,其中使用了他早先關於同一主題的序曲-幻想曲的主題。這首曲子在他死後被發現於他的遺物中,1894 年由謝爾蓋-塔涅耶夫完成並配器。

Tchaikovsky first had the idea for an opera on the subject of Shakespeare's tragedy Romeo and Juliet (Romeo and Juliet) in May 1878, although he returned to the subject throughout his later life, he never fulfilled this ambition. On one of these occasions, he did go so far as to sketch music for a scene between the two lovers, which uses themes from his earlier overture-fantasia on the same subject. This was found among his papers after his death, and it was completed and orchestrated by Sergey Taneyev in 1894.


Peter Illich Tchaikovsky


Sergei Ivanovich Taneyev

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